


The 41st Congress of the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational Transparty, held in Rome between July 5th and 7th 2019, thanks the 3211 members of the 2017 and the 3308 members of the 2018, who through their registration have guaranteed the achievement of the objectives posed by the motion approved during the 40th extraordinary Congress of Rebibbia 2016.

Having heard the report of the Radical Party’s legal representative, Maurizio Turco, the Congress approves it.

Having heard the detailed reports of the ambassador Giulio Maria Terzi di Sant’Agata, of professor Fabio Pistella, of professor Mario Baldassarri and of professor Carla Rossi, the Congress accepts it.

The Congress welcomes the reports of the members from: Cambodia, Venezuela, Tibet, UK, Catalonia, Kosovo, San Marino, that remind us in particular the relevance and the central position of the struggle launched by Marco Pannella, for the reaffirmation of the principles of democratic, federalist and secular Rule of Law, against any reason of state that tries to interfere in the full affirmation of fundamental and universal rights of each single person.

The Congress recalls the transnational choice of the Radical Party made thirty years ago, in concurrence with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The Congress of the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational Transparty, reaffirms that the fundamental human rights system, currently under attack at both national and international levels, even by countries with established traditions of democracy, constitutes a non-negotiable platform as its aim is to guarantee to every person, of any nationality, sex or religion, a minimum of rights to recognise the same human dignity. Such human dignity that today, according to the latest report on poverty by the World Bank 2018, is not guaranteed to 736 millions of people in the world who live in conditions of extreme poverty, which means having less than $ 1,90 per day. Hundreds of millions of people, concentrated in India, Bangladesh and sub-Saharan Africa, exterminated by hunger and thirst, by climate change and by predatory policies, to escape from the inhuman conditions of their territories give life to the huge and unstoppable migratory phenomena towards the so-called developed countries.

In response to these data of extreme poverty, the World Bank, in the same report on poverty of 2018 has underlined that a quarter of the world population lives on less than $ 3,20 per day and that 46% of the world population lives on less than $ 5,50 per day, involving middle-low income countries and countries considered middle-high income.

This picture, which involves the developed countries including Italy, explains why populism, nationalism, protectionism – all of which try to call into question the fundamental human rights system – find fertile ground in the most economically vulnerable population groups of countries considered developed, where the “war between the poor” wins votes.

Acting on this front, with campaigns aimed at concluding significant cooperation agreements between Africa and Europe, means also acting directly on migratory politics and on national security, as Marco Pannella already predicted in 1979 with the campaign “Against extermination by hunger in the world”.

Also for these reasons, the Congress reaffirms the federalist choice for the United States of Europe, the only alternative to the current institutional structure of the intergovernmental European Union that has fuelled and is fueling nationalism, populism and protectionism.

Furthermore, the Congress reaffirms the need for the Right to Know to enter fully-fledged into the system of fundamental human rights, as the Right to Know is essential to enabling people to be able to freely self determine, thereby constituting the natural antidote to populism that, together with the nationalism and the protectionism, put in danger global peace itself, as history teaches.

The Congress thanks the more than 177,000 people, the public and private institutions and the parliamentary groups that were engaged in avoiding the closure of Radio Radicale, the only true public service information in Italy as recognized by AGcom (Authority for Communications Guarantees) with an exemplary report to the government, highlighting the need for continuing the struggle for the safety of Radio Radicale.

The Congress reaffirms the actuality of the Radical Party’s analysis on the “Italian Case”, and considers extremely necessary and urgent, not only for Italy, the projects of reform to re-establish the principles and the rules of the Rule of Law in crucial fields to democratic life, like those regarding information and the electoral systems, the justice and prison administration, and the fight against crime.


  1. Re-launch the “Manifesto-Appeal of the Nobel Prize-winners against the extermination by hunger” and promote and coordinate an operation able to involve as partners, institutional, political, social and religious actors, in a struggle for the development often prevented by financial speculation into market of food commodities, by the concentration of the companies in the agro-food sector and also by the land grabbing.
  2. Strengthen the campaign for the recognition of the human and civil right to know by the UN General Assembly, conditio sine qua non for the affirmation of the democratic, federalist and secular Rule of Law, through the promotion of all necessary initiatives at every level, starting with the adoption of resolutions by the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
  3. Pursue, calling all genuinely federalist forces, the struggle for the United States of Europe, as the only option to the intergovernmental structure of the European Union as well as to the political nationalisms and the economic protectionisms.
  4. Draw up both an issues paper and reform proposal to re-establish values and rules on the basis of the Rule of Law in Italy, in key fields for democratic life, as those of the information and electoral systems, of justice and prison administration, and of the fight against crime, which will be submitted to the debate of the Italian member’s Congress of the Radical Party.
  5. The membership fee is 200 euro for Italy while it is determined proportionally on the basis of the GDP in the other countries.