EU should initiate the process of accession of Ukraine in the EU

To the President of the European Council, Charles Michel

To the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen 

To the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell

Russia has invaded Ukraine.

The tragedy of the indiscriminate bombing of civilian homes in ukranian cities is underway: from Spetsnaz to Kharkiv, from Ivano-Frankovsk to Mariupol, from Odessa to Kiev, now besieged by Russian forces.

One hundred thousand people are already displaced and fleeing the country. Huge waves of refugees are anticipated throughout Europe. According to some estimates, they will be 5 million.

The population no longer knows where to hide and many have taken refuge even in subway wagons. 

Appello per l’adesione dell’Ucraina all'UE

L’UE attivi subito il processo per l’adesione dell’Ucraina all’UE

%%your signature%%

1,106 signatures

The war of propaganda is flanking the war of arms and the world watches in disbelief as the post-Cold War world order collapses, together with the security system in Europe and its international institutions. This is a well-known goal of Moscow, which disdains the liberal order. Russia aims at redesigning the post-Soviet world order to regain its lost role of great power on the world stage, crushing sovereign countries. Putin has been launching for years, and in recent months with an impressive “crescendo”, an extreme propagandistic ideologization of his ultimate demands against the Atlantic Alliance and the European Union: with disinformation, activities of destabilization and political influence aimed at all the most important and recent electoral consultations and referenda (like Brexit), which could weaken the institutions and the pillars of our democracies. 

By wiping out every agreement, every convention and international treaty, Moscow is highlighting the irrelevance of the United Nations, established after World War II, and its Security Council, which is systematically blocked by the vetoes of Russia and China when it comes to issues deemed “sensitive” for their respective totalitarian regimes. 

Even in this case, the UN has shown a chronic and structural inability to deal with crises, limiting itself simply to formal and unrealistic appeals.
The European Union does not yet have a common security and defense system.

Even NATO appears hesitant to deploy an adequate defense system on its eastern flank in a timely manner to protect its member states. 

The hesitations of NATO countries, of Brussels and the UN, are representative of the impotence of the West towards those who make waste paper of every principle, rule and international treaty with the force of arms.

After the dissolution of the USSR, on December 26, 1991, NATO and the EU, could only respond positively to the continuous requests of democratically elected governments that were anxious to consolidate, at last, their free institutions and societies and to guarantee their own security after decades of “limited sovereignty” because of the Union. However, by encompassing some Eastern European countries, NATO and the EU had ended up creating a security dilemma for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. By being kept out, these countries found themselves in no man’s land with an uninterested Europe on one side and Russia reaching out on the other side. 

Therefore, in their foreign policy they were forced to look both to the West and to the East. 

After the “Euromaidan” revolution, in 2014 Ukraine was invaded by Russia, which had effectively annexed Crimea and supported pro-Russian independence rebels in the Donbas. 

Belarus, with Lukashenko, turned eastward, after having quelled the pro-European demonstrations of 2021.

Nevertheless, in Ukraine the pro-European dream was not extinguished. Until the day before the invasion, demonstrations were held weekly for the freedom and independence of the country and for their desire for Europe.
Kiev sees its salvation exclusively within NATO and the European Union. This was reiterated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and former presidents Viktor Juščenko and Petro Porošenko, who had signed the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine on June 27, 2014.

The former Soviet country’s accession to the European Union has therefore always been considered a fundamental goal to be achieved by Ukraine’s leading politicians. At the same time, any rapprochement with Europe was hindered by pro-Russian politicians, such as former President Viktor Janukovyč. 

According to a poll by the Ukrainian Rating Group institute, published on February 17, 2022, 68% of Ukrainians support EU membership.

Currently, Ukraine is part of the European Neighborhood Policy and cooperates with the European Union in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. In fact, the country has aligned much of its legislation and economic policies with the Association Agreement with the European Union, which entered into force in 2017.

In February 2019, Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s unicameral parliament, had included in the Constitution the path to NATO and EU membership. 

A decidedly pro-European charter that in its preamble refers to the “european identity of ukrainian people characterizing as irreversible the euroatlantic path of the country” and in art. 102 it amplifies the powers of the head of state, who assumes the role of “guarantor” of the implementation of the country’s strategic path to acquire full membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Ukraine was preparing to submit an official application for EU membership in 2024, with the goal of joining in 2030. 

It is within this framework of strong pro-European impetus that the popular demonstrations of Euromaidan should be framed. They began on the night of November 21, 2013 in Kiev, which was already the scene of the Orange Revolution in 2004, against President Viktor Janukovyč. He had refused to sign the association agreement of Ukraine with the European Union, because of the pressure of Moscow. Russia had offered, in exchange for waiving the signature, a substantial loan in government bonds worth 15 billion dollars, tying the two countries even more. 

Janukovyč was accused by his parliament and fled to Russia. Before that, more than a hundred protesters were slaughtered, many of them wrapped in the Union flag, when the president gave the order to evacuate Independence Square in Kiev through force.

This criminal aggression, prearranged long before and carried out with constant falsity and deception by President Putin, requires an immediate, strong and demanding decision by Europe: Ukraine must be granted, immediately, the “status of candidate country for the accession to the European Union” with all the prerogatives that this entails for the legitimate Government and legitimate democratic institutions that currently lead the country.

This is a valuable political contribution that Europe can provide in these hours for the citizens of a country where the Europeanist fire is always burning; even in a country partly amputated of territory by the Russian invader.

A joint statement by the presidents of Poland, Slovenia and Lithuania states that Ukraine deserves the status of candidate country to the EU.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Polish and Lithuanian counterparts, Andrzej Duda and Gitanas Nauseda, met in Kiev on Wednesday, February 23, to discuss the crisis and reaffirm their solidarity.

The joint statement reads: “Given the significant progress in the implementation of the Association Agreement and internal reforms, as well as the current security challenges, Ukraine deserves EU candidate status and Lithuania and Poland will support it on its way to achieve this goal.”

Enlargement is the most powerful foreign policy tool that the EU has. Recent history proves this. 

The EU offered a prospect of membership to the Western Balkan countries in May 1999, at the height of the Kosovo war. 

It seemed crazy, but since then, Europe has entered the agenda of the Western Balkans and, although it was too hesitant to let them in through the door, it remained a model and a reference.

No European country is more determined than Ukraine in approaching the Union, but it was stopped before being admitted to the accession process because of the short-sightedness of our political leaders. They were too busy putting their own narrow electoral interests first. 

We, therefore, believe that the time has come to officially recognize the status of Ukraine as a candidate country to the European Union and activate the accession process of a country that has paid dearly for its thirst for freedom and its strong Europeanist aspiration.

We believe that this is a strong signal of an open and inclusive European Union, a fundamental reference of values and human rights that as such are universal: the natural right, historically acquired, of each individual to freedom, democracy and an international order based on peace and the rule of law. 

We call for an urgent convocation of the European Council. On the agenda: the path for Ukraine’s accession to the EU, so that it can promptly adapt its internal order to the communitary acquis by implementing all the necessary reforms, especially in the field of justice and the fight against corruption, to strengthen the rule of law. 

The European Union has the urgence and need to assume the role of power, and above all a political one by equipping itself with a security and defense system worthy of a great democratic state with its economic and cultural strength of absolute value.

We ask that the European Council urgently puts  the construction of a solid architecture of security and common defense on its agenda. This is to honor the founding fathers Spinelli, De Gasperi, Monnet, Schuman and Adenauer. Otherwise, their dream will vanish at the dawn of a sad awakening. 

Maurizio Turco, Segretario del Partito Radicale
Irene Testa, Tesoriere del Partito Radicale
Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, Presidente d’onore del Partito Radicale
Mariano Giustino, Corrispondente di Radio Radicale dalla Turchia

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1,069 paolo a. Oct 05, 2022
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1,067 Franca D. Oct 05, 2022
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1,065 Ugo P. Sep 25, 2022
1,064 Maria Vittoria c. Sep 19, 2022
1,063 Fernand S. Sep 15, 2022
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1,061 Luigi M. Sep 04, 2022
1,060 Alberto Z. Aug 31, 2022
1,059 Aloisia F. Aug 28, 2022
1,058 Oleksii F. Aug 20, 2022
1,057 paolo s. Aug 18, 2022
1,056 Claudio Z. Aug 15, 2022
1,055 stefano z. Aug 15, 2022
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1,053 Daniele P. Aug 12, 2022
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1,049 Lionello G. Aug 07, 2022
1,048 Eduardo Libero M. Jul 31, 2022
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1,046 vittorio g. Jul 31, 2022
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1,040 Renato D. Jul 15, 2022
1,039 Massimo L. Jul 12, 2022
1,038 sebastiano s. Jul 08, 2022
1,037 maria vittoria c. Jul 05, 2022
1,036 Francesco C. Jul 03, 2022
1,035 Maria Teresa D. Jun 26, 2022
1,034 renato b. Jun 24, 2022
1,033 Giovanna N. Jun 20, 2022
1,032 Paolo D. Jun 17, 2022
1,031 massimo p. Jun 16, 2022
1,030 GIANNI G. Jun 15, 2022
1,029 Emma M. Jun 14, 2022
1,028 MARIA M. Jun 12, 2022
1,027 Hannelore G. Jun 07, 2022
1,026 Donatella D. Jun 04, 2022
1,025 Rita Eva M. May 08, 2022
1,024 Marisa R. May 07, 2022
1,023 Annalisa S. May 06, 2022
1,022 Umberto G. May 06, 2022
1,021 Roberto B. May 05, 2022
1,020 Paolo S. May 04, 2022
1,019 Franco G. May 01, 2022
1,018 Vincenza P. Apr 30, 2022
1,017 Marianna R. Apr 30, 2022
1,016 Gennaro S. Apr 30, 2022
1,015 Franco D. Apr 30, 2022
1,014 alberto M. Apr 28, 2022
1,013 sStefania Y. Apr 25, 2022
1,012 Gianluca C. Apr 25, 2022
1,011 Fabio P. Apr 24, 2022
1,010 Mauro B. Apr 18, 2022
1,009 Giovanni C. Apr 18, 2022
1,008 Giorgio P. Apr 18, 2022
1,007 Maria Pia B. Apr 18, 2022
1,006 nader f. Apr 18, 2022
1,005 Francesco P. Apr 17, 2022
1,004 Andrea S. Apr 16, 2022
1,003 Pietro E. Apr 16, 2022
1,002 Andrea M. Apr 16, 2022
1,001 Matteo G. Apr 16, 2022
1,000 Gloria P. Apr 16, 2022
999 Andrea B. Apr 16, 2022
998 Liudmyla M. Apr 16, 2022
997 Marharyta M. Apr 16, 2022
996 Andrea F. Apr 16, 2022
995 Maira B. Apr 16, 2022
994 Gian Luigi M. Apr 15, 2022
993 Leda C. Apr 13, 2022
992 Jan L. Apr 12, 2022
991 Enrico S. Apr 12, 2022
990 Sofia D. Apr 12, 2022
989 Andrii D. Apr 12, 2022
988 Elvira I. Apr 12, 2022
987 Yullia V. Apr 12, 2022
986 Giovanna B. Apr 12, 2022
985 Roberta Z. Apr 12, 2022
984 Deborah B. Apr 12, 2022
983 Andrei Valentin M. Apr 12, 2022
982 Renato S. Apr 12, 2022
981 Yevgen L. Apr 12, 2022
980 Paola S. Apr 12, 2022
979 Oleksandr S. Apr 12, 2022
978 Liliia D. Apr 12, 2022
977 Natalia S. Apr 12, 2022
976 Alberto N. Apr 12, 2022
975 Iryna B. Apr 12, 2022
974 Olena V. Apr 12, 2022
973 Patrizia G. Apr 12, 2022
972 Massimiliano D. Apr 12, 2022
971 Pietro P. Apr 12, 2022
970 Sophie B. Apr 12, 2022
969 Renato G. Apr 12, 2022
968 Luca L. Apr 12, 2022
967 Kateryna O. Apr 12, 2022
966 Kichula M. Apr 12, 2022
965 Natalia K. Apr 12, 2022
964 Mykola Z. Apr 12, 2022
963 Hanna B. Apr 12, 2022
962 Natalie F. Apr 12, 2022
961 Valentyna M. Apr 12, 2022
960 Mykolay S. Apr 12, 2022
959 Marco P. Apr 12, 2022
958 Onur A. Apr 12, 2022
957 Alberto I. Apr 12, 2022
956 Olsi L. Apr 12, 2022
955 Liliia K. Apr 12, 2022
954 Ruggero S. Apr 12, 2022
953 Laura N. Apr 12, 2022
952 Paol H. Apr 12, 2022
951 Nadiya F. Apr 12, 2022
950 alessandro f. Apr 10, 2022
949 Leonardo C. Apr 09, 2022
948 vittoria b. Apr 09, 2022
947 rita r. Apr 08, 2022
946 Dimitry K. Apr 06, 2022
945 Domenico M. Apr 05, 2022
944 Nicolas B. Apr 05, 2022
943 Rusudan J. Apr 05, 2022
942 Carlo P. Apr 05, 2022
941 Giuseppe R. Apr 04, 2022
940 Angela M. Apr 04, 2022
939 Emanuele S. Apr 04, 2022
938 Gianluca C. Apr 04, 2022
937 Patrizia C. Apr 03, 2022
936 mariacarla r. Apr 03, 2022
935 Marco A. Apr 03, 2022
934 Alessandra G. Apr 03, 2022
933 Stefano B. Apr 03, 2022
932 Claudio D. Apr 03, 2022
931 Blanca B. Apr 03, 2022
930 Luigi B. Apr 03, 2022
929 Pietro P. Apr 03, 2022
928 Michela P. Apr 03, 2022
927 Daniela L. Apr 03, 2022
926 Anna C. Apr 03, 2022
925 Aldo S. Apr 03, 2022
924 Alberto D. Apr 03, 2022
923 Marta M. Apr 03, 2022
922 Bernardo Z. Apr 03, 2022
921 Danilo Z. Apr 03, 2022
920 Federico M. Apr 03, 2022
919 Stanislav Z. Apr 03, 2022
918 Michele R. Apr 03, 2022
917 Alessandro T. Apr 02, 2022
916 Enrico M. Apr 02, 2022
915 roberto t. Apr 02, 2022
914 Pierluigi G. Apr 02, 2022
913 Michele M. Apr 02, 2022
912 Francesco M. Apr 02, 2022
911 Marco F. Apr 02, 2022
910 Franca A. Apr 02, 2022
909 paolo f. Apr 02, 2022
908 Simona C. Apr 02, 2022
907 Symrak O. Mar 30, 2022
906 Luigi P. Mar 29, 2022
905 Deborah C. Mar 29, 2022
904 alessandro g. Mar 28, 2022
903 Marziale M. Mar 28, 2022
902 Anna C. Mar 28, 2022
901 Giovanni Battista M. Mar 28, 2022
900 Bruno G. Mar 27, 2022
899 Giulio M. Mar 27, 2022
898 Stefano G. Mar 27, 2022
897 Anna Paola D. Mar 27, 2022
896 Gianmattia D. Mar 27, 2022
895 jole c. Mar 27, 2022
894 Taehye S. Mar 27, 2022
893 Giuseppe C. Mar 27, 2022
892 Mara R. Mar 25, 2022
891 giuseppe p. Mar 25, 2022
890 vilma m. Mar 25, 2022
889 Annalisa A. Mar 25, 2022
888 Olena T. Mar 25, 2022
887 Roberto V. Mar 25, 2022
886 Giovanni B. Mar 25, 2022
885 Eda Maria F. Mar 24, 2022
884 Sergey K. Mar 24, 2022
883 giuseppe A. Mar 24, 2022
882 vito z. Mar 23, 2022
881 Alberto M. Mar 23, 2022
880 Marco C. Mar 23, 2022
879 Riccardo Marco P. Mar 23, 2022
878 Claudio M. Mar 23, 2022
877 Davide F. Mar 23, 2022
876 fabrizio s. Mar 23, 2022
875 Marta C. Mar 23, 2022
874 Leonardo B. Mar 23, 2022
873 Federico T. Mar 23, 2022
872 Gian Piero B. Mar 22, 2022
871 Nicola P. Mar 22, 2022
870 Luigi M. Mar 22, 2022
869 Armando M. Mar 22, 2022
868 Marco l. Mar 22, 2022
867 Car lotta V. Mar 22, 2022
866 Lorenzo R. Mar 22, 2022
865 Rosaria C. Mar 22, 2022
864 Adriano C. Mar 22, 2022
863 Andrea U. Mar 22, 2022
862 Davide S. Mar 22, 2022
861 Antonio A. Mar 22, 2022
860 Manila M. Mar 22, 2022
859 Riccarda M. Mar 22, 2022
858 Domenico M. Mar 22, 2022
857 Patrizia B. Mar 22, 2022
856 elena f. Mar 22, 2022
855 Giuseppe A. Mar 22, 2022
854 Luca P. Mar 22, 2022
853 Giovanni F. Mar 22, 2022
852 Bruno P. Mar 22, 2022
851 Pietrangelo P. Mar 22, 2022
850 Cesare Marco P. Mar 22, 2022
849 roberto t. Mar 22, 2022
848 Antonella B. Mar 22, 2022
847 Giuseppe P. Mar 22, 2022
846 vincenzo d. Mar 22, 2022
845 Maurizio R. Mar 22, 2022
844 Donato Sandro P. Mar 22, 2022
843 Giovanni C. Mar 22, 2022
842 Antonio C. Mar 21, 2022
841 Paolo M. Mar 21, 2022
840 Veronika B. Mar 21, 2022
839 Eduardo Libero M. Mar 21, 2022
838 antonio p. Mar 21, 2022
837 Mara Z. Mar 21, 2022
836 Wojciech M. Mar 21, 2022
835 Aleksandra B. Mar 21, 2022
834 Ewa B. Mar 21, 2022
833 Allan M. Mar 21, 2022
832 Martin L. Mar 21, 2022
831 Floriana R. Mar 21, 2022
830 Silvana M. Mar 21, 2022
829 Simone A. Mar 20, 2022
828 Giovanni M. Mar 20, 2022
827 Antonio R. Mar 20, 2022
826 Giovanni M. Mar 20, 2022
825 Giovina R. Mar 20, 2022
824 Mauro M. Mar 20, 2022
823 ERMANNO L. Mar 20, 2022
822 Enrico P. Mar 20, 2022
821 Elisabetta G. Mar 20, 2022
820 Vittorio G. Mar 20, 2022
819 Guido P. Mar 19, 2022
818 Lucia P. Mar 18, 2022
817 Rocio D. Mar 18, 2022
816 Luis S. Mar 18, 2022
815 Jiang M. Mar 18, 2022
814 Janki P. Mar 18, 2022
813 Timo S. Mar 18, 2022
812 Benedetta G. Mar 18, 2022
811 Beatrice S. Mar 18, 2022
810 Dolores I. Mar 18, 2022
809 Shlomit A. Mar 18, 2022
808 Sofia G. Mar 18, 2022
807 Denys P. Mar 18, 2022
806 Aldi E. Mar 18, 2022
805 Bianca V. Mar 18, 2022
804 Claudio P. Mar 18, 2022
803 Filippo B. Mar 17, 2022
802 Giulia P. Mar 17, 2022
801 Elisa B. Mar 17, 2022
800 Mikayla H. Mar 17, 2022
799 Domenico G. Mar 17, 2022
798 Lorenzo D. Mar 17, 2022
797 Louise C. Mar 17, 2022
796 Maria Eloisa D. Mar 17, 2022
795 Emmanuel K. Mar 17, 2022
794 Angelike G. Mar 17, 2022
793 Mar G. Mar 17, 2022
792 Nuria F. Mar 17, 2022
791 Pierluigi O. Mar 17, 2022
790 Ramunas M. Mar 17, 2022
789 Ugnè B. Mar 17, 2022
788 Sayazhan Z. Mar 17, 2022
787 Ivana B. Mar 17, 2022
786 Homera P. Mar 17, 2022
785 Caterina S. Mar 17, 2022
784 Alessandro C. Mar 17, 2022
783 Marco Fabio A. Mar 17, 2022
782 Raffaella D. Mar 17, 2022
781 Joseph S. Mar 17, 2022
780 Tomasz B. Mar 17, 2022
779 Paola M. Mar 17, 2022
778 Nataliya K. Mar 17, 2022
777 Maria Grazia N. Mar 17, 2022
776 Enrico A. Mar 17, 2022
775 Andrii D. Mar 17, 2022
774 Igor T. Mar 17, 2022
773 Ivan I. Mar 17, 2022
772 Hanna B. Mar 17, 2022
771 Mariya L. Mar 17, 2022
770 Antonio Rosario B. Mar 17, 2022
769 Mario D. Mar 17, 2022
768 Sabrina D. Mar 17, 2022
767 Sam M. Mar 17, 2022
766 Giulia A. Mar 17, 2022
765 Henry A. Mar 17, 2022
764 Nicholas B. Mar 17, 2022
763 Riccardo M. Mar 17, 2022
762 chiara a. Mar 17, 2022
761 Caterina B. Mar 16, 2022
760 Tatiana F. Mar 16, 2022
759 Tommaso B. Mar 16, 2022
758 Owen J. Mar 16, 2022
757 Frederic V. Mar 16, 2022
756 Mumtozahon S. Mar 16, 2022
755 Francesco D. Mar 16, 2022
754 Carlotta D. Mar 16, 2022
753 Valentina P. Mar 16, 2022
752 Luca Z. Mar 16, 2022
751 Pietro S. Mar 16, 2022
750 Marta V. Mar 16, 2022
749 Valentina M. Mar 16, 2022
748 Giulia P. Mar 16, 2022
747 Leon Vito L. Mar 16, 2022
746 Roberto C. Mar 16, 2022
745 Sylvia B. Mar 16, 2022
744 Ira C. Mar 16, 2022
743 Gabriele P. Mar 16, 2022
742 Cyril K. Mar 16, 2022
741 Piotr G. Mar 16, 2022
740 Jack G. Mar 16, 2022
739 Maria G. Mar 16, 2022
738 Prashand C. Mar 16, 2022
737 Tom B. Mar 16, 2022
736 Gianmarco V. Mar 16, 2022
735 Svitlana s. Mar 16, 2022
734 Federico V. Mar 16, 2022
733 Luca Ernesto M. Mar 16, 2022
732 Cristian F. Mar 16, 2022
731 Luigi L. Mar 16, 2022
730 Maddalena F. Mar 16, 2022
729 Laura S. Mar 15, 2022
728 Luigi L. Mar 15, 2022
727 Cristiano N. Mar 15, 2022
726 Aloisia F. Mar 15, 2022
725 Bavasso E. Mar 15, 2022
724 Carla T. Mar 15, 2022
723 Sabrina M. Mar 15, 2022
722 Maria Rita P. Mar 15, 2022
721 Massimo M. Mar 15, 2022
720 Clayton C. Mar 14, 2022
719 Vanna B. Mar 14, 2022
718 José S. Mar 14, 2022
717 Sergio O. Mar 14, 2022
716 Sandro L. Mar 14, 2022
715 Lya B. Mar 14, 2022
714 Salvatore P. Mar 14, 2022
713 Elsa L. Mar 14, 2022
712 Roberto O. Mar 14, 2022
711 Maria Virgina R. Mar 14, 2022
710 Nino S. Mar 14, 2022
709 Bianca C. Mar 14, 2022
708 Simone L. Mar 14, 2022
707 Lucia C. Mar 14, 2022
706 Laurienne M. Mar 14, 2022
705 Luigi G. Mar 14, 2022
704 Nina D. Mar 14, 2022
703 Cristina P. Mar 14, 2022
702 Greg H. Mar 14, 2022
701 Miriam R. Mar 14, 2022
700 Javier T. Mar 14, 2022
699 Veronica D. Mar 14, 2022
698 Alvise S. Mar 14, 2022
697 Jean Ayyoub D. Mar 14, 2022
696 Francesco M. Mar 14, 2022
695 Michele A. Mar 14, 2022
694 Fabiana A. Mar 14, 2022
693 Fernanda M. Mar 14, 2022
692 Franco M. Mar 14, 2022
691 Stephanie D. Mar 14, 2022
690 Cristina M. Mar 14, 2022
689 Karoline B. Mar 14, 2022
688 Mariya Rosa K. Mar 14, 2022
687 Angela P. Mar 14, 2022
686 Giovanni L. Mar 14, 2022
685 Antonia D. Mar 14, 2022
684 Simone V. Mar 14, 2022
683 Giuliana N. Mar 14, 2022
682 Daniela S. Mar 14, 2022
681 Alessandro M. Mar 14, 2022
680 Giuseppina T. Mar 14, 2022
679 Johanna H. Mar 14, 2022
678 Miranda F. Mar 14, 2022
677 Alessia C. Mar 14, 2022
676 Kecin D. Mar 14, 2022
675 Martin A. Mar 14, 2022
674 Dominik W. Mar 14, 2022
673 Aleksandra Z. Mar 14, 2022
672 Steffen J. Mar 14, 2022
671 Maria Cristina T. Mar 14, 2022
670 Silvia Adelina I. Mar 14, 2022
669 Cristina I. Mar 14, 2022
668 Maddalena D. Mar 14, 2022
667 Theresa A. Mar 14, 2022
666 Paolo S. Mar 14, 2022
665 Lela G. Mar 14, 2022
664 Rocco B. Mar 14, 2022
663 Vasil B. Mar 14, 2022
662 Elisa B. Mar 14, 2022
661 Diana J. Mar 14, 2022
660 Helezhynska L. Mar 14, 2022
659 Mariia L. Mar 14, 2022
658 Carla B. Mar 14, 2022
657 Xavier B. Mar 14, 2022
656 Giovanni Marta B. Mar 14, 2022
655 Chiara g. Mar 14, 2022
654 Carolina D. Mar 14, 2022
653 letizia g. Mar 14, 2022
652 Fabiola Z. Mar 14, 2022
651 Marika R. Mar 14, 2022
650 Enrico G. Mar 14, 2022
649 Haline S. Mar 14, 2022
648 Francesca M. Mar 14, 2022
647 Consuelo I. Mar 14, 2022
646 Michela P. Mar 14, 2022
645 Luois J. Mar 14, 2022
644 Gaia M. Mar 14, 2022
643 Elisabetta T. Mar 14, 2022
642 Carmelo C. Mar 14, 2022
641 Claudia Q. Mar 14, 2022
640 Beka B. Mar 14, 2022
639 Maria Elena C. Mar 14, 2022
638 Simone L. Mar 14, 2022
637 Pilar J. Mar 14, 2022
636 Andrey M. Mar 14, 2022
635 Katerina E. Mar 14, 2022
634 Guillermo P. Mar 14, 2022
633 Katakor B. Mar 14, 2022
632 Rodolfo P. Mar 14, 2022
631 Valentina O. Mar 14, 2022
630 Davide F. Mar 14, 2022
629 Jonathan M. Mar 14, 2022
628 Piergiorgio C. Mar 14, 2022
627 Pasquale S. Mar 14, 2022
626 Igor Alessandro C. Mar 14, 2022
625 Florence B. Mar 14, 2022
624 Anna L. Mar 14, 2022
623 Hai L. Mar 14, 2022
622 Dominique G. Mar 14, 2022
621 Raffaella P. Mar 14, 2022
620 Giulia V. Mar 14, 2022
619 Bair S. Mar 14, 2022
618 Noa M. Mar 14, 2022
617 Maria B. Mar 14, 2022
616 Marcello P. Mar 14, 2022
615 Eleonora B. Mar 14, 2022
614 Yana K. Mar 14, 2022
613 Marco M. Mar 14, 2022
612 Constanza V. Mar 14, 2022
611 Mohammed A. Mar 14, 2022
610 Ayazhan A. Mar 14, 2022
609 ALDO MARIO F. Mar 14, 2022
608 LORENZO F. Mar 14, 2022
607 Giuseppina T. Mar 14, 2022
606 Giuseppina Ester R. Mar 14, 2022
605 Giorgio G. Mar 13, 2022
604 PAOLA T. Mar 13, 2022
603 DANIELE S. Mar 13, 2022
602 giuliana t. Mar 13, 2022
601 Oles I. Mar 13, 2022
600 Oksana L. Mar 13, 2022
599 Andriy D. Mar 13, 2022
598 Roberto C. Mar 13, 2022
597 Mykola R. Mar 13, 2022
596 Frank S. Mar 13, 2022
595 ELVIRA L. Mar 13, 2022
594 BRUNO S. Mar 13, 2022
593 Federico B. Mar 13, 2022
592 Valter M. Mar 13, 2022
591 Fabiomario V. Mar 13, 2022
590 Luciano G. Mar 13, 2022
589 Maria Francesca S. Mar 13, 2022
588 Giada A. Mar 13, 2022
587 Christian A. Mar 12, 2022
586 Andrea Z. Mar 12, 2022
585 Werther C. Mar 12, 2022
584 Rosa Q. Mar 12, 2022
583 Nicola P. Mar 12, 2022
582 Michele Z. Mar 12, 2022
581 Alice P. Mar 12, 2022
580 Alexander M. Mar 12, 2022
579 Stelvio S. Mar 12, 2022
578 Fernando L. Mar 12, 2022
577 mauro l. Mar 12, 2022
576 antonio l. Mar 11, 2022
575 Marco Umberto Z. Mar 11, 2022
574 giuliano g. Mar 10, 2022
573 roberto z. Mar 08, 2022
572 Riccardo C. Mar 08, 2022
571 paolo P. Mar 08, 2022
570 Marco M. Mar 08, 2022
569 Miriam T. Mar 07, 2022
568 Federica L. Mar 07, 2022
567 Iachello E. Mar 07, 2022
566 Bogdan M. Mar 07, 2022
565 Ezio D. Mar 07, 2022
564 EMANUELE B. Mar 07, 2022
563 Charlette B. Mar 07, 2022
562 Alfio U. Mar 07, 2022
561 Tronelli M. Mar 07, 2022
560 Nataliia A. Mar 07, 2022
559 Guglielmo E. Mar 07, 2022
558 ALESSANDRO M. Mar 07, 2022
557 RENZO R. Mar 07, 2022
556 Filippo M. Mar 07, 2022
555 Marco M. Mar 06, 2022
554 andrea F. Mar 06, 2022
553 daniele p. Mar 06, 2022
552 Marina M. Mar 06, 2022
551 Leonardo G. Mar 06, 2022
550 valerio V. Mar 06, 2022
549 GIUSEPPE ANDREA L. Mar 06, 2022
548 Vincenzo I. Mar 06, 2022
547 Lorenzo M. Mar 06, 2022
546 Maurizio V. Mar 06, 2022
545 Danilo P. Mar 06, 2022
544 Sandro C. Mar 06, 2022
543 Marco C. Mar 06, 2022
542 GIORGIO P. Mar 06, 2022
541 Simonetta M. Mar 06, 2022
540 Alessandro M. Mar 06, 2022
539 Adnan K. Mar 06, 2022
538 Maddalena C. Mar 06, 2022
537 Giulia P. Mar 06, 2022
536 Wolfgang K. Mar 06, 2022
535 Andrea A. Mar 06, 2022
534 Paolo S. Mar 05, 2022
533 Aldo R. Mar 05, 2022
532 Luciano D. Mar 05, 2022
531 Elena D. Mar 05, 2022
530 Dina D. Mar 05, 2022
529 Giulio T. Mar 05, 2022
528 Filomena V. Mar 05, 2022
527 alessandra c. Mar 05, 2022
526 Matteo N. Mar 04, 2022
525 Valerio M. Mar 04, 2022
524 Franco G. Mar 04, 2022
523 Nicola Z. Mar 04, 2022
522 Dario M. Mar 04, 2022
521 Rachele M. Mar 04, 2022
520 Alessandro P. Mar 04, 2022
519 William O. Mar 04, 2022
518 Valerio P. Mar 04, 2022
517 Jose Luis A. Mar 04, 2022
516 Stanislav D. Mar 04, 2022
515 Leron W. Mar 04, 2022
514 Andrea V. Mar 04, 2022
513 James L. Mar 04, 2022
512 Noah B. Mar 04, 2022
511 Harley James D. Mar 04, 2022
510 Chemerys R. Mar 03, 2022
509 Dominic M. Mar 03, 2022
508 Amanda Z. Mar 03, 2022
507 Emma M. Mar 03, 2022
506 Derek P. Mar 03, 2022
505 Brianna M. Mar 03, 2022
504 Anna K. Mar 03, 2022
503 Santo C. Mar 03, 2022
502 Roberta M. Mar 03, 2022
501 Nallely A. Mar 03, 2022
500 Matthew B. Mar 03, 2022
499 Viktoriia H. Mar 03, 2022
498 Stephanie Z. Mar 03, 2022
497 Sondrine B. Mar 03, 2022
496 Katie G. Mar 03, 2022
495 Taylor O. Mar 03, 2022
494 Hugh E. Mar 03, 2022
493 Oleksandr H. Mar 03, 2022
492 Artem K. Mar 03, 2022
491 carmine d. Mar 03, 2022
490 Massimiliano S. Mar 03, 2022
489 Giuseppe D. Mar 03, 2022
488 Maurizio T. Mar 03, 2022
487 Lilia K. Mar 03, 2022
486 Simone Z. Mar 03, 2022
485 Fabiana Amabile C. Mar 03, 2022
484 francesco d. Mar 03, 2022
483 Vincenzo N. Mar 03, 2022
482 Alberto P. Mar 03, 2022
481 Roberto M. Mar 03, 2022
480 Sergio A. Mar 03, 2022
479 Angelica F. Mar 03, 2022
478 Elena P. Mar 03, 2022
477 Giacomo D. Mar 03, 2022
476 Rosangela C. Mar 02, 2022
475 Primo M. Mar 02, 2022
474 Paola L. Mar 02, 2022
473 Massimiliano b. Mar 02, 2022
472 Francesco M. Mar 02, 2022
471 Fabio O. Mar 02, 2022
470 Flavio M. Mar 02, 2022
469 Stefano C. Mar 02, 2022
468 Paola M. Mar 02, 2022
467 Fabio F. Mar 02, 2022
466 agostino b. Mar 02, 2022
465 Tommaso C. Mar 02, 2022
464 Jolanda C. Mar 02, 2022
463 Roberto R. Mar 02, 2022
462 Luca M. Mar 02, 2022
461 Marta P. Mar 02, 2022
460 Paolo Z. Mar 02, 2022
459 Paolo T. Mar 01, 2022
458 Dores C. Mar 01, 2022
457 Raffaella R. Mar 01, 2022
456 Noemi D. Mar 01, 2022
455 Antonio P. Mar 01, 2022
454 Dario Giuseppe M. Mar 01, 2022
453 FABIO C. Mar 01, 2022
452 francesco m. Mar 01, 2022
451 Sacha P. Mar 01, 2022
450 Orlando G. Mar 01, 2022
449 Ugo V. Mar 01, 2022
448 Antonella C. Mar 01, 2022
447 Liudmyla K. Mar 01, 2022
446 Giulia Pia S. Mar 01, 2022
445 Tony Junior E. Mar 01, 2022
444 Antonietta P. Mar 01, 2022
443 Davide M. Mar 01, 2022
442 Nicola M. Mar 01, 2022
441 Norberto C. Mar 01, 2022
440 Magdalene E. Mar 01, 2022
439 Eduardo N. Mar 01, 2022
438 Massimo G. Mar 01, 2022
437 Nicoletta G. Mar 01, 2022
436 Lucrezia M. Mar 01, 2022
435 Eleonora A. Mar 01, 2022
434 Lorenzo P. Mar 01, 2022
433 Gianni B. Mar 01, 2022
432 ANTONIO M. Mar 01, 2022
431 Giuseppe M. Mar 01, 2022
430 Valentina G. Mar 01, 2022
429 Fabio P. Feb 28, 2022
428 MARCO R. Feb 28, 2022
427 GABRIELLA R. Feb 28, 2022
426 Alessandro T. Feb 28, 2022
425 Piero C. Feb 28, 2022
424 Francesca M. Feb 28, 2022
423 Alessandro C. Feb 28, 2022
422 Paolo C. Feb 28, 2022
421 Niccolò F. Feb 28, 2022
420 Lauretano M. Feb 28, 2022
419 Pieralfonso I. Feb 28, 2022
418 Giovanni F. Feb 28, 2022
417 Maria Chiara Z. Feb 28, 2022
416 Umberto F. Feb 28, 2022
415 Filippo F. Feb 28, 2022
414 Gianroberto Z. Feb 28, 2022
413 Giuseppe Maria M. Feb 28, 2022
412 Paolo C. Feb 28, 2022
411 Manuel M. Feb 28, 2022
410 Graziano Francesco Pio S. Feb 28, 2022
409 Fabio C. Feb 28, 2022
408 Emiliano C. Feb 28, 2022
407 Vannaelisa B. Feb 28, 2022
406 Elena L. Feb 28, 2022
405 Vilmer C. Feb 28, 2022
404 Adelaide A. Feb 28, 2022
403 Francesco Antonio S. Feb 28, 2022
402 Edilio mario nicola C. Feb 28, 2022
401 Costantino V. Feb 28, 2022
400 Fulvio B. Feb 28, 2022
399 Edilio C. Feb 28, 2022
398 Ettore C. Feb 28, 2022
397 Anna B. Feb 28, 2022
396 Danilo M. Feb 28, 2022
395 Brunetto C. Feb 28, 2022
394 eduardo b. Feb 28, 2022
393 Andrea P. Feb 28, 2022
392 Roberto M. Feb 28, 2022
391 stefano z. Feb 28, 2022
390 Santa I. Feb 28, 2022
389 Tiziana M. Feb 28, 2022
388 Remigio J. Feb 28, 2022
387 francesco c. Feb 28, 2022
386 Valeriya B. Feb 28, 2022
385 Lorenzo C. Feb 28, 2022
384 Graziella M. Feb 28, 2022
383 luciano f. Feb 28, 2022
382 Luis M. Feb 28, 2022
381 raimondo f. Feb 28, 2022
380 Valeria Enrica M. Feb 28, 2022
379 Kersti U. Feb 28, 2022
378 Dante Angelo C. Feb 28, 2022
377 Renato S. Feb 28, 2022
376 Alesaandro F. Feb 28, 2022
375 Giorgio C. Feb 28, 2022
374 Iuliu K. Feb 28, 2022
373 Adriana V. Feb 28, 2022
372 Giuseppe N. Feb 28, 2022
371 Luigi Franco P. Feb 28, 2022
370 Antonio G. Feb 28, 2022
369 Yuliya K. Feb 28, 2022
368 Mario L. Feb 28, 2022
367 STEFANO C. Feb 28, 2022
366 Claudia C. Feb 28, 2022
365 Marco S. Feb 27, 2022
364 Manuela F. Feb 27, 2022
363 Leyla C. Feb 27, 2022
362 Raffaele S. Feb 27, 2022
361 Antonio I. Feb 27, 2022
360 Mauro D. Feb 27, 2022
359 Massimiliano S. Feb 27, 2022
358 Luca P. Feb 27, 2022
357 Federico P. Feb 27, 2022
356 luca l. Feb 27, 2022
355 Simonetta I. Feb 27, 2022
354 Damiano T. Feb 27, 2022
353 Stefano P. Feb 27, 2022
352 Ombretta F. Feb 27, 2022
351 Giuseppe D. Feb 27, 2022
350 Antonietta M. Feb 27, 2022
349 Lara Z. Feb 27, 2022
348 Giuseppe F. Feb 27, 2022
347 Antonio R. Feb 27, 2022
346 Vera Vittoria Antonia M. Feb 27, 2022
345 Raffaella R. Feb 27, 2022
344 Antonella R. Feb 27, 2022
343 Alfredo F. Feb 27, 2022
342 Riccardo Z. Feb 27, 2022
341 Ida G. Feb 27, 2022
340 Edoardo A. Feb 27, 2022
339 Davide P. Feb 27, 2022
338 Annapaola L. Feb 27, 2022
337 Marco Aurelio S. Feb 27, 2022
336 Oliviero N. Feb 27, 2022
335 Mario C. Feb 27, 2022
334 Teresa M. Feb 27, 2022
333 Giuseppe L. Feb 27, 2022
332 Dnzumadil D. Feb 27, 2022
331 Paolo O. Feb 27, 2022
330 Francesco C. Feb 27, 2022
329 Anna B. Feb 27, 2022
328 Alessandro B. Feb 27, 2022
327 Francesco V. Feb 27, 2022
326 Rita B. Feb 27, 2022
325 Roberto L. Feb 27, 2022
324 Donatella V. Feb 27, 2022
323 Augusta Giovanna C. Feb 27, 2022
322 Edoardo Giuseppe P. Feb 27, 2022
321 Michele M. Feb 27, 2022
320 giulia s. Feb 27, 2022
319 Chiara F. Feb 27, 2022
318 Valter V. Feb 27, 2022
317 Lukas D. Feb 27, 2022
316 David C. Feb 27, 2022
315 Sergio M. Feb 27, 2022
314 Fulvio C. Feb 27, 2022
313 EZECHIA R. Feb 27, 2022
312 Sergio M. Feb 27, 2022
311 Antonio C. Feb 27, 2022
310 DIEGO M. Feb 27, 2022
309 Bruno Maria P. Feb 27, 2022
308 Claudio M. Feb 27, 2022
307 Massimo G. Feb 27, 2022
306 Dario E. Feb 27, 2022
305 Eugenio B. Feb 27, 2022
304 Rocco D. Feb 27, 2022
303 Biagio N. Feb 27, 2022
302 Davide F. Feb 27, 2022
301 Carlotta C. Feb 27, 2022
300 Lorenzo S. Feb 27, 2022
299 Eliseo L. Feb 27, 2022
298 Roberto L. Feb 27, 2022
297 Ivano S. Feb 27, 2022
296 CANTON E. Feb 27, 2022
295 Beppe C. Feb 27, 2022
294 ANGELO F. Feb 27, 2022
293 Linda S. Feb 27, 2022
292 paolo v. Feb 27, 2022
291 Salvatore L. Feb 27, 2022
290 Ciro T. Feb 27, 2022
289 Elisabetta M. Feb 27, 2022
288 Esterina C. Feb 27, 2022
287 francesco z. Feb 27, 2022
286 Massimo M. Feb 27, 2022
285 Mario C. Feb 27, 2022
284 Roberta C. Feb 27, 2022
283 Yuri P. Feb 27, 2022
282 Michele D. Feb 27, 2022
281 Riccardo M. Feb 27, 2022
280 ALESSANDRA B. Feb 27, 2022
279 Antonio C. Feb 27, 2022
278 Simone Attilio B. Feb 27, 2022
277 Massimo R. Feb 27, 2022
276 Luna C. Feb 27, 2022
275 Corrado C. Feb 27, 2022
274 Davide P. Feb 27, 2022
273 Elvira F. Feb 27, 2022
272 Antonio M. Feb 27, 2022
271 Nicoletta P. Feb 27, 2022
270 laura r. Feb 27, 2022
269 Maria I. Feb 27, 2022
268 Alessandro M. Feb 27, 2022
267 Ernesto B. Feb 27, 2022
266 Maria G. Feb 27, 2022
265 Sara M. Feb 27, 2022
264 Iole S. Feb 27, 2022
263 Alfredo F. Feb 27, 2022
262 Francesco L. Feb 27, 2022
261 Flavio C. Feb 27, 2022
260 Matteo A. Feb 27, 2022
259 Ugo I. Feb 27, 2022
258 Francesco L. Feb 27, 2022
257 Roberto R. Feb 27, 2022
256 Caterina C. Feb 27, 2022
255 Antonio Onorato S. Feb 27, 2022
254 Gian domenico C. Feb 27, 2022
253 Marco C. Feb 27, 2022
252 Marco C. Feb 27, 2022
251 Fabio F. Feb 27, 2022
250 Giordano V. Feb 27, 2022
249 Marco B. Feb 27, 2022
248 Teresa C. Feb 27, 2022
247 andrea l. Feb 27, 2022
246 Pancrazio C. Feb 27, 2022
245 Gianfrancesco C. Feb 27, 2022
244 Luig I. Feb 27, 2022
243 Antonella C. Feb 27, 2022
242 Pierparide T. Feb 27, 2022
241 Giulia D. Feb 27, 2022
240 Caterina S. Feb 27, 2022
239 Paolo S. Feb 27, 2022
238 Rosario L. Feb 27, 2022
237 Maria Luisa T. Feb 27, 2022
236 giovanni g. Feb 27, 2022
235 Domenico L. Feb 27, 2022
234 Alessandro R. Feb 27, 2022
233 Riccardo R. Feb 27, 2022
232 Camarra G. Feb 27, 2022
231 Francesco B. Feb 27, 2022
230 Monica M. Feb 27, 2022
229 NADIA F. Feb 27, 2022
228 Guido L. Feb 26, 2022
227 Valerio D. Feb 26, 2022
226 Luca B. Feb 26, 2022
225 Claudio M. Feb 26, 2022
224 Andrea T. Feb 26, 2022
223 Bruno S. Feb 26, 2022
222 Emanuele J. Feb 26, 2022
221 Elisa T. Feb 26, 2022
220 Floriano M. Feb 26, 2022
219 Eugenio Paolo L. Feb 26, 2022
218 Giovanni Z. Feb 26, 2022
217 Alberto B. Feb 26, 2022
216 Sara M. Feb 26, 2022
215 Giovanna F. Feb 26, 2022
214 Micol F. Feb 26, 2022
213 Gabriele Emanuele C. Feb 26, 2022
212 Carlotta D. Feb 26, 2022
211 stefania g. Feb 26, 2022
210 Corrado S. Feb 26, 2022
209 Lanfranco D. Feb 26, 2022
208 Cristopher C. Feb 26, 2022
207 Stefano L. Feb 26, 2022
206 Furio F. Feb 26, 2022
205 Francesca M. Feb 26, 2022
204 Angela C. Feb 26, 2022
203 Francesco D. Feb 26, 2022
202 Massimiliano C. Feb 26, 2022
201 Cristina V. Feb 26, 2022
200 Giacomo C. Feb 26, 2022
199 Riccardo L. Feb 26, 2022
198 Alessandro P. Feb 26, 2022
197 Francesco B. Feb 26, 2022
196 G g. Feb 26, 2022
195 stefano l. Feb 26, 2022
194 Gloria S. Feb 26, 2022
193 Andrea C. Feb 26, 2022
192 Loris B. Feb 26, 2022
191 Alfio M. Feb 26, 2022
190 Paola P. Feb 26, 2022
189 Gabriele P. Feb 26, 2022
188 Fulvio N. Feb 26, 2022
187 Mauro Lorenzo M. Feb 26, 2022
186 Fucilli F. Feb 26, 2022
185 Luca G. Feb 26, 2022
184 Antonino U. Feb 26, 2022
183 Christian M. Feb 26, 2022
182 Davide R. Feb 26, 2022
181 Ada B. Feb 26, 2022
180 Francesco B. Feb 26, 2022
179 Giovanni Carlo L. Feb 26, 2022
178 Elisa P. Feb 26, 2022
177 Enrico D. Feb 26, 2022
176 Andrea G. Feb 26, 2022
175 Michele S. Feb 26, 2022
174 Gaetano P. Feb 26, 2022
173 Salvatore S. Feb 26, 2022
172 Ada P. Feb 26, 2022
171 romeo M. Feb 26, 2022
170 Alberto N. Feb 26, 2022
169 Flavia Maria Wanda F. Feb 26, 2022
168 Elisabetta C. Feb 26, 2022
167 Diomede T. Feb 26, 2022
166 Matteo B. Feb 26, 2022
165 Gaetano S. Feb 26, 2022
164 Michael L. ( Mike ) G. Feb 26, 2022
163 Maria Anna F. Feb 26, 2022
162 Monica L. Feb 26, 2022
161 Edoardo Massimo F. Feb 26, 2022
160 Fabrizio F. Feb 26, 2022
159 Tiziana L. Feb 26, 2022
158 Chiara B. Feb 26, 2022
157 Alex B. Feb 26, 2022
156 Francesco P. Feb 26, 2022
155 Gaetano I. Feb 26, 2022
154 Ilaria P. Feb 26, 2022
153 Mauro M. Feb 26, 2022
152 Maria C. Feb 26, 2022
151 Domenico C. Feb 26, 2022
150 Giuseppina N. Feb 26, 2022
149 Giuliano M. Feb 26, 2022
148 Sara M. Feb 26, 2022
147 Raffaella F. Feb 26, 2022
146 Marco S. Feb 26, 2022
145 Andrea P. Feb 26, 2022
144 Massimo M. Feb 26, 2022
143 Chiara V. Feb 26, 2022
142 alessandro a. Feb 26, 2022
141 Gattulli P. Feb 26, 2022
140 Luciano R. Feb 26, 2022
139 Stefano M. Feb 26, 2022
138 Elena C. Feb 26, 2022
137 Alessandra M. Feb 26, 2022
136 Fabrizio P. Feb 26, 2022
135 Gattulli P. Feb 26, 2022
134 Raffaella Anna D. Feb 26, 2022
133 Flavio M. Feb 26, 2022
132 Giulia B. Feb 26, 2022
131 Msurizio F. Feb 26, 2022
130 Gennaro R. Feb 26, 2022
129 Marco M. Feb 26, 2022
128 Marco B. Feb 26, 2022
127 Francesco E. Feb 26, 2022
126 Giovanna G. Feb 26, 2022
125 Marco B. Feb 26, 2022
124 Tullio P. Feb 26, 2022
123 Oleksa T. Feb 26, 2022
122 Sara D. Feb 26, 2022
121 Stefano F. Feb 26, 2022
120 Kishore B. Feb 26, 2022
119 Stefano G. Feb 26, 2022
118 Federico M. Feb 26, 2022
117 Ernesto M. Feb 26, 2022
116 fabio g. Feb 26, 2022
115 Giulia C. Feb 26, 2022
114 Elisa C. Feb 26, 2022
113 Andrea maria M. Feb 26, 2022
112 Maria Luisa D. Feb 26, 2022
111 Angela D. Feb 26, 2022
110 Damien H. Feb 26, 2022
109 Daniele I. Feb 26, 2022
108 Saverio P. Feb 26, 2022
107 Salvatore B. Feb 26, 2022
106 Silvia G. Feb 26, 2022
105 Michele D. Feb 26, 2022
104 Marco A. Feb 26, 2022
103 Ma Rita M. Feb 26, 2022
102 Roberto C. Feb 26, 2022
101 Nicola C. Feb 26, 2022
100 Rita B. Feb 26, 2022
99 Michele M. Feb 26, 2022
98 Roberto B. Feb 26, 2022
97 Vittorio B. Feb 26, 2022
96 Lucia F. Feb 26, 2022
95 Andrea A. Feb 26, 2022
94 FRANCESCO C. Feb 26, 2022
93 Paola D. Feb 26, 2022
92 Vito L. Feb 26, 2022
91 Giuseppe D. Feb 26, 2022
90 Mauro P. Feb 26, 2022
89 Piampiani A. Feb 26, 2022
88 Roberto Davide P. Feb 26, 2022
87 Angelica R. Feb 26, 2022
86 Sara B. Feb 26, 2022
85 cardoni p. Feb 26, 2022
84 Rita Z. Feb 26, 2022
83 Carla T. Feb 26, 2022
82 Daniele S. Feb 26, 2022
81 Rosario S. Feb 26, 2022
80 Daina L. Feb 26, 2022
79 Guglielmo G. Feb 26, 2022
78 Francesco P. Feb 26, 2022
77 Giulia I. Feb 26, 2022
76 Ilari V. Feb 26, 2022
75 Gianni M. Feb 26, 2022
74 Carmelo N. Feb 26, 2022
73 Matteo C. Feb 26, 2022
72 Alexandra K. Feb 26, 2022
71 Giacomo M. Feb 26, 2022
70 Angelo C. Feb 26, 2022
69 Egisto M. Feb 26, 2022
68 Aurelio B. Feb 26, 2022
67 Fioravante D. Feb 26, 2022
66 Giovanni P. Feb 26, 2022
65 Cristiano U. Feb 26, 2022
64 Giovanni C. Feb 26, 2022
63 Olga G. Feb 26, 2022
62 Paolo G. Feb 26, 2022
61 paolo v. Feb 26, 2022
60 Cercone G. Feb 26, 2022
59 Nello B. Feb 26, 2022
58 Gianmarco C. Feb 26, 2022
57 Alessandro R. Feb 26, 2022
56 Rocco R. Feb 26, 2022
55 Andrea C. Feb 26, 2022
54 Barbara R. Feb 26, 2022
53 Giuliano G. Feb 26, 2022
52 Sabrina S. Feb 26, 2022
51 Mario B. Feb 26, 2022
50 Luca N. Feb 26, 2022
49 Emiliano C. Feb 26, 2022
48 Massimiliano L. Feb 26, 2022
47 Fabiola d. Feb 26, 2022
46 Marco C. Feb 26, 2022
45 Ivan I. Feb 26, 2022
44 Guido G. Feb 26, 2022
43 Umberto L. Feb 26, 2022
42 Diego S. Feb 26, 2022
41 Rosaria S. Feb 26, 2022
40 Martone C. Feb 26, 2022
39 Domenico B. Feb 26, 2022
38 Francesco G. Feb 26, 2022
37 Marco C. Feb 26, 2022
36 Simona Debora G. Feb 26, 2022
35 Bruno M. Feb 26, 2022
34 igor b. Feb 26, 2022
33 Stefano P. Feb 26, 2022
32 Giovanni P. Feb 26, 2022
31 Matteo G. Feb 26, 2022
30 Salvatore Z. Feb 26, 2022
29 Angela F. Feb 26, 2022
28 Stefano F. Feb 26, 2022
27 Pasquale H. Feb 26, 2022
26 Giuseppe T. Feb 26, 2022
25 Maura B. Feb 26, 2022
24 Michele M. Feb 26, 2022
23 Salvatore C. Feb 26, 2022
22 Nicoletta P. Feb 26, 2022
21 Luca C. Feb 26, 2022
20 Donatella C. Feb 26, 2022
19 Andrea C. Feb 26, 2022
18 roberto t. Feb 26, 2022
17 Raffaele S. Feb 26, 2022
16 Carlos B. Feb 26, 2022
15 Marco S. Feb 26, 2022
14 Marco P. Feb 26, 2022
13 Rana M. Feb 26, 2022
12 Filippo C. Feb 26, 2022
11 Luca S. Feb 26, 2022
10 Rita Rosaria L. Feb 26, 2022
9 Marco G. Feb 26, 2022
8 michele c. Feb 26, 2022
7 Antonello Paolo Z. Feb 26, 2022
6 Giovanni F. Feb 26, 2022
5 Rita L. Feb 26, 2022
4 Antonello Paolo Z. Feb 25, 2022
3 Daniele P. Feb 25, 2022
2 Vincenzo F. Feb 25, 2022
1 Chiara B. Feb 25, 2022