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[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”34041″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty, in the face of the collapse of the Afghan government following the seizure of power by the Taliban and the proclamation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, after the hasty withdrawal of US forces, calls on the United Nations and the European Union to take urgent and firm action to prevent further tragedies for the Afghan people.

The shocking images of fleeing civilians arriving from that country after the Taliban entered Kabul cannot leave us indifferent and inert.

Thousands of Afghans, particularly women, academics, journalists, civil society activists and human rights defenders, feel at risk of reprisals by the fundamentalists.

Numerous testimonies by women from villages in the provinces, which gradually fell into the hands of the Taliban rebels, and various international organisations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, document the reintroduction of fiercely liberticidal laws on women in the conquered areas, such as the ban on leaving the house unless accompanied by a relative of age and forced marriages.

The rights gained by Afghan women over the past 20 years, particularly in education, employment and political participation, are now under serious threat.

Therefore, in the face of the risk of events spiralling disastrously into an even more tragic direction, we call on the highest international institutions, within their respective spheres of competence, to:

1. The United Nations Security Council immediately adopt a resolution calling on all parties to the Afghan conflict

(a) to comply with international human rights and international humanitarian law standards, in particular the humane treatment of civilians and detained combatants;

(b) to ensure the resumption of an intra-Afghan dialogue and the launching of a peace process involving all segments of society, with meaningful participation by Afghan women.

2. The UN Security Council reaffirms that the International Criminal Court, of which Afghanistan is a member, is obliged to prosecute – even in the present circumstances – war crimes and other atrocities that constitute crimes against humanity.

3. The European Union and the United States, currently the largest donors to Afghanistan, to make any support and recognition of institutions that might be forcibly established in Kabul conditional on the upholding of women’s rights as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution, national legislation and international law, as well as on respect for women’s equal conditions and their access to education and employment, and to make the lifting of sanctions against the Taliban conditional on this.

4. All actors in the Doha negotiation process should as a matter of priority demand that all parties to the conflict be allowed access to “humanitarian corridors” and that free and fair elections be held in Afghanistan at the end of the transition of power.

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197 signatures



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197 paolo f. Jan 13, 2023
196 Valentino D. Jan 07, 2023
195 Francesco C. Jul 24, 2022
194 sebastiano s. Jul 08, 2022
193 Franco G. Jul 06, 2022
192 Emma M. Jun 14, 2022
191 Mirko B. Jun 02, 2022
190 ALDO S. May 02, 2022
189 Daniele S. Apr 17, 2022
188 Gian Luigi M. Apr 15, 2022
187 licinio a. Apr 03, 2022
186 Simone A. Mar 20, 2022
185 Riccardo M. Mar 17, 2022
184 Umberto L. Mar 06, 2022
183 alessandra c. Mar 05, 2022
182 Stefano P. Mar 04, 2022
181 Lorenzo C. Feb 28, 2022
180 ROBERTO G. Jan 30, 2022
179 Antonello Paolo Z. Jan 29, 2022
178 Stefania M. Jan 25, 2022
177 Bogdan M. Jan 21, 2022
176 Shirel L. Jan 15, 2022
175 Corrado C. Jan 01, 2022
174 Lorenzo A. Dec 26, 2021
173 Matteo C. Dec 18, 2021
172 luca p. Dec 18, 2021
171 Rocco T. Dec 18, 2021
170 Davide D. Dec 18, 2021
169 Livio P. Dec 13, 2021
168 Werther C. Dec 12, 2021
167 Leone L. Dec 12, 2021
166 Paolo G. Dec 12, 2021
165 Arianna P. Dec 12, 2021
164 Andrea P. Dec 12, 2021
163 Amedeo B. Dec 08, 2021
162 Alberto M. Dec 07, 2021
161 Rosalia G. Dec 05, 2021
160 Giancarlo P. Dec 05, 2021
159 Anna Teresa C. Dec 05, 2021
158 Mauro M. Dec 05, 2021
157 Alessandra P. Dec 02, 2021
156 Carlo D. Nov 29, 2021
155 Maria Antonietta D. Nov 28, 2021
154 alessandro g. Nov 26, 2021
153 Luigi L. Nov 25, 2021
152 Maria Anna F. Nov 22, 2021
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150 GIOVANNI F. Nov 22, 2021
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145 Diego M. Nov 21, 2021
144 Valerio D. Nov 21, 2021
143 Franca Z. Nov 21, 2021
142 Ugo V. Nov 21, 2021
141 Antonello Paolo Z. Oct 30, 2021
140 Elena Z. Oct 18, 2021
139 Marco S. Oct 17, 2021
138 Carla R. Oct 17, 2021
137 Edoardo S. Oct 17, 2021
136 Bruno R. Oct 14, 2021
135 Fabrizio P. Oct 13, 2021
134 Edoardo d. Oct 12, 2021
133 marco l. Oct 10, 2021
132 BLANCA MARIA SOFIA A. Oct 10, 2021
131 Domenico L. Oct 10, 2021
130 francesco saverio c. Oct 10, 2021
129 Anna Maria P. Oct 10, 2021
128 Franco G. Oct 10, 2021
127 Marisa V. Oct 10, 2021
126 Paola S. Oct 08, 2021
125 Domenico B. Oct 08, 2021
124 Andrea G. Oct 06, 2021
123 Marco B. Oct 05, 2021
122 antonia v. Oct 04, 2021
121 Gioacchino R. Sep 28, 2021
120 augusto f. Sep 27, 2021
119 vittoria b. Sep 26, 2021
118 Rita R. Sep 26, 2021
117 maria vittoria c. Sep 24, 2021
116 Maurizio U. Sep 23, 2021
115 Simona Debora G. Sep 21, 2021
114 Adriano R. Sep 21, 2021
113 Alessandro L. Sep 21, 2021
112 Alberto M. Sep 21, 2021
111 Mario C. Sep 20, 2021
110 Lilli R. Sep 20, 2021
109 sandra g. Sep 19, 2021
108 Graziella C. Sep 19, 2021
107 Thierry M. Sep 19, 2021
106 Gianna G. Sep 19, 2021
105 Luigi M. Sep 19, 2021
104 Daniela P. Sep 19, 2021
103 Danilo L. Sep 19, 2021
102 Mirella Francesca D. Sep 19, 2021
101 Nadia B. Sep 19, 2021
100 Daniela D. Sep 19, 2021
99 Lucyna G. Sep 19, 2021
98 Aldo T. Sep 18, 2021
97 Francesco A. Sep 18, 2021
96 Paolo S. Sep 18, 2021
95 Roberto D. Sep 13, 2021
94 Carla M. Sep 13, 2021
93 Francesca C. Sep 13, 2021
92 Antonio B. Sep 13, 2021
91 Valter M. Sep 12, 2021
90 Salvatore L. Sep 12, 2021
89 Francesco C. Sep 12, 2021
88 Riccardo A. Sep 12, 2021
87 Giuliano G. Sep 12, 2021
86 Vincenzo P. Sep 12, 2021
85 Giovanni B. Sep 12, 2021
84 Marco C. Sep 12, 2021
83 Giuseppe M. Sep 12, 2021
82 Alessio B. Sep 12, 2021
81 MAURA MIRIAM I. Sep 12, 2021
80 Rita Eva M. Sep 12, 2021
79 Pierluigi F. Sep 12, 2021
78 Luca A. Sep 12, 2021
77 Franco F. Sep 12, 2021
76 Sandro D. Sep 12, 2021
75 Tommaso C. Sep 12, 2021
74 Paolo V. Sep 12, 2021
73 Orietta C. Sep 12, 2021
72 Aurora . Sep 12, 2021
71 Maria Gaetana A. Sep 12, 2021
70 Luciano D. Sep 12, 2021
69 Mariotti G. Sep 11, 2021
68 Fabrizio F. Sep 11, 2021
67 Roberto L. Sep 11, 2021
66 Daniele P. Sep 11, 2021
65 Franco G. Sep 10, 2021
64 Pasquale P. Sep 09, 2021
63 Vito L. Sep 06, 2021
62 Francesco B. Sep 06, 2021
61 Maris B. Sep 06, 2021
60 Mauro A. Sep 06, 2021
59 Noemi D. Sep 06, 2021
58 Anna G. Sep 06, 2021
57 Bianca C. Sep 05, 2021
56 Mario P. Sep 05, 2021
55 GIUSEPPE ANDREA L. Sep 05, 2021
54 STEFANO C. Sep 05, 2021
53 Olimpia S. Sep 05, 2021
52 Carlo D. Sep 05, 2021
51 Graziano G. Sep 05, 2021
50 Laura C. Sep 05, 2021
49 Patrizia M. Sep 04, 2021
48 Vincenzo D. Sep 03, 2021
47 Fulvio C. Sep 03, 2021
46 Asami H. Sep 03, 2021
45 Antonella C. Sep 02, 2021
44 Cerrone A. Sep 02, 2021
43 Francesco V. Sep 02, 2021
42 Giuseppe R. Aug 31, 2021
41 Davide M. Aug 31, 2021
40 Bruno B. Aug 31, 2021
39 Manuela D. Aug 31, 2021
38 Floriano M. Aug 30, 2021
37 Clayton C. Aug 30, 2021
36 Giacomo V. Aug 30, 2021
35 RENZO R. Aug 30, 2021
34 Roberto P. Aug 30, 2021
33 Gloria S. Aug 30, 2021
32 Teresa S. Aug 29, 2021
31 Patrizio C. Aug 29, 2021
30 giorgio d. Aug 29, 2021
29 Giovina R. Aug 29, 2021
28 Giuseppe G. Aug 29, 2021
27 Andrea P. Aug 29, 2021
26 Pierluigi G. Aug 29, 2021
25 Rita F. Aug 29, 2021
24 ALDO MARIO F. Aug 29, 2021
23 Giovanni C. Aug 29, 2021
22 Silvano Q. Aug 29, 2021
21 Giuliano T. Aug 29, 2021
20 Gianni M. Aug 29, 2021
19 Manuela M. Aug 29, 2021
18 Vincenzo F. Aug 29, 2021
17 Francesca C. Aug 29, 2021
16 Roberta T. Aug 29, 2021
15 filippo f. Aug 29, 2021
14 Alberto B. Aug 29, 2021
13 Daniele P. Aug 29, 2021
12 Fulvio B. Aug 29, 2021
11 eduardo b. Aug 29, 2021
10 Franco R. Aug 29, 2021
9 Filomena V. Aug 28, 2021
8 Mario B. Aug 27, 2021
7 Andrea d. Aug 27, 2021
6 Francesca P. Aug 26, 2021
5 Chiara B. Aug 26, 2021
4 Angelica R. Aug 26, 2021
3 Paola Bianca B. Aug 25, 2021
2 Vilmer C. Aug 24, 2021
1 Alessandro R. Aug 24, 2021
